Jarvis Hayes = Kevin Young
Hayes can be compared to A-Rod in a way... although his 9.whatever points per game and 4.whatever rebounds might be looked upon as good for a bench player, he does nothing that would resemble a basketball play that aids the Wiz-Kids in winning a game.
Okay, so he shouldn't be compared to A-Rod because A-Rod puts up HUGE numbers and actually does help his team win (even though disgruntled NYCers would have you believe otherwise, they are only scared of his bare-chest in Central Park on game day)
So to whom, praytell, can we compare Mr. Jarvis "Take Up Space and Abe Pollin's Money" Hayes? I have the perfect solution and will stick with the baseball theme... You find an answer in Kevin Young, former first basemen for the Pittsburgh Pirates. You see folks, the story of Kevin Young should be a cautionary tale to the Wizards. Kevin Young was with the Pirates when they made their last playoffs and he just kinda stuck around... go ahead, look at his stats but they will tell you nothing... the perfect description of Kevin Young is this: double with a man on second to drive in a run in a meaningless game that has already been won or lost by the actual players on the field. You always heard though that Young "has a real good glove at first base"... what in thee hell does that matter if you are the Pirates?
I do not know why players like Young (and there are many more in all of sports) stick with one team for so long, but the Wizards can nip this one in the bud. The Pirates have not had a winning season in over 13 years... Do you want that to happen to the Wizards?
Cut Jarvis Hayes.
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